Celebrating Neurodiverse Talent



Could you win the Undergraduate of the Year Award Celebrating Neurodiverse Talent?

We're searching UK universities to discover an inspiring neurominority Undergraduate of the Year. We're looking for somebody who brings different perspectives, creative problem-solving skills and unique strengths to help solve some of the world’s biggest challenges.

To enter you need to:

  • have a diagnosis, be in the process of being diagnosed or identify as having a neurodivergent condition (eg through strong traits or family history and so on) but are not pursuing diagnosis. Neurodivergent conditions include autism or an ASD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADD or ADHD, Tourette syndrome. This is not an exhaustive list and all neurocognitive minorities (acquired or diagnosed) are welcome to apply
  • be in your penultimate year of study – all degree subjects are accepted
  • have the right to work in the UK after graduation.


What could you win?

A ten-week paid summer internship within BNY Mellon’s esteemed Operations team. This Internship will give you global exposure & opportunities to network with BNY Mellon Interns all over the world. You’ll contribute to meaningful projects and make strategic decisions to gain relevant experience in our corporate environment, contributing to our long term vision.


What makes an award winner?

BNY Mellon know that diverse perspectives and experiences make for better ideas and solutions. They’ve seen how their neurodivergent people help them innovate through different ways of thinking, working, evaluating and communicating.

BNY Mellon is truly interested in what you can bring as yourself. So, tell us what makes you ‘you’. We’ll be looking for a creative problem solver who has got where they are today through determination, resilience, independent and innovative thinking and, potentially, lots of other skills.

You do not have to disclose your condition(s) or diagnosis if you don’t want to. Extenuating circumstances will always be taken into account throughout and we’ll let you know exactly what to expect and when. We encourage communicating your needs for additional support or adjustments (including the online tests). If your needs aren’t already supported in our assessment process, we’ll make sure we accommodate them to make sure you can be at your best.


BNY and the Undergraduate of the Year Awards

BNY – Bank of New York is a global financial services company overseeing nearly $50 trillion in assets for our clients — managing it, moving it and keeping it safe.

We offer solutions across the entire financial lifecycle — we create, administer, manage, transact, distribute and optimize assets across our platforms.

We serve businesses, communities and people everywhere, making money work for the world.

We partner alongside our clients, putting our expertise and platforms to work, helping them achieve their ambitions.

We help our clients to operate more efficiently, grow and scale, create operating leverage and make better-informed decisions.

For 240 years, we have been innovating to create new solutions while remaining resilient through change.


How do I win?


Register your details online.


Online tests


Submit by




Your details must be submitted and all questions answered by 9am on 2 February 2024

If you are successful in getting through to the next stage, you will hear from us by 28 February 2024


If you make it to the next stage, your application will be reviewed by BNY Mellon

This may involve an assessment centre.

Grand final

The final shortlist of ten students will be invited to the awards ceremony on 26 April 2024, where the award winners will be announced.

Review application